Package net.sourceforge.wohenchan.convert

This package contains code used to convert from one representation to another.


Interface Summary
ConverterEntryInterface Represents one entry in a dictionary/encoding table/etc.
ConverterFactoryInterface Factory for ConverterTableInterface objects which, among other things, provides a hook for displaying progress.
ConverterListener This is the interface through which a ConverterTableInterface object will return results.
ConverterTableInterface This interface is a generalization of different transformations.

Class Summary
AbstractConverterTable This is an abstract base class for ConverterTableInterface.
CedictB5ConverterTable This class implements the search functions from the ConverterTableInterface.
CedictConverterTable This class implements the search functions from the ConverterTableInterface.
CedictEntry This class is the store unit for Cedict dictionary entry.
CedictGBConverterTable This class implements the search functions from the ConverterTableInterface.
CompositeConverterTable This ConverterTable simply blindly merges the results from several other ConverterTables.
ConverterComposite Composite ConverterTable which aggregates the functionalities of subordinate convertertables.
ConverterCursor Convenience class which helps convert asynchronous handling of results to synchronous handling.
ConverterEvent This is the encapsulation of an event from a running search.
DefaultConverterEntry This class is the store unit for each dictionary entry.
SunrainConverterTable Wrapper around the dictionary at
SystranConverterTable Wrapper around the translation service at
UnihanConverterTable Represents a converter based off of the UNIHAN.TXT file available at

Exception Summary
AbortSearchException Search Aborted exception
NoRepresentationException Thrown when there is no representation for the given entity.
UnknownOutputException This exception is thrown if a given dictionary source does not have any information about a given type of character.

Package net.sourceforge.wohenchan.convert Description

This package contains code used to convert from one representation to another.

This package has dependencies on the following packages: